Thursday, May 17, 2007

Not so day of awesome.

Today was sort of an awful day. I'm trying to be positive about where my life/career is going, or not going to be honest. I'm down in the dumpers for sure. My mom took me to Panera even thought she already ate dinner because I wanted a crispiani pizza. It made me feel a littler better. Now I'm watching the series finale of my all time favs, Gilmore Girls...eating strewberries...and feeling sorry for myself...and kind of half crying because I just realized that I started watching this show at age 18...that was along time ago.

Today at work I think I pretty much walked into someone talking about me and it sucked because I wasn't sure what was going on and I felt stupid. Blarg.

Sean played a song for me today by the Descendents called "this place sucks," and it explained everything I think the two of us are feeling about where we are at in our lives right now. I just want to be happy.

I bought the book "1,000 place to see before you die," at the book fair in my building yesterday. I'm going to highlight the places I want to go.

I need a vacation.

1 comment:

Uncle Gordon said...

Let us plan a trip. Sorry you had such an awful day buddo, but we've all been there. When you're having a bad day, it always feels like you're alone in everyone else couldn't possibly feel as shit on as you do at that moment or down in the dumpz, but that's not the case. The momz once told me that when you think you have it bad, there are millions of people at that very moment who are having just as bad of a day, feeling bad, literally in pain, hungry, angry, upset, and so on. Hang in there dude. I hope today is better for you.