Thursday, May 24, 2007

I feel like shit. I can't figure out if I'm sick (have cold, etc) or if my allergies have arrived a month late due to the odd weather we've had. Either way it sucks, yet I did call in sick to work today for the first time in 2007...watched "She's the Man" and a lot of reality television...

Something else that doesn't suck, via Sean, via tour diary of Against Me! It's good stuff:

"I feel bodies pressed against me. An arm is thrown around my shoulder. A girl grabs me and plants a kiss on my cheek and tells me she loves me. There is no greater high than this. There is nothing more addictive.

Afterward, we take some photos, sign some autographs. The club clears out. The gear gets packed and loaded. I change clothes, grab my bag. Everybody piles into the van to leave for the hotel. Tomorrow we will wake up and do it all again."

I slurp on this band so much, but they are so good...I can't help it.

I made this list of things I wanted to write about on Monday while I was at work. I always do that and then by the time I sit down here I look over it and they are all irrelevant or I find myself saying "that really isn't interesting to anyone but you."

this time, the list said:

-Arcade Fire Show ( i kind of accomplished that in my last post, but I had this whole "Von Trap Family" comparison thing all worked out that I've since realized has probably been done before.)
-Television (no clue...I watch a shit load of
-Places I want to go on vacation (this is still relevant, but time consuming...another night)
-Seattle (I was supposed to go for work, but have since been told otherwise, so scrap that)
-Post-it note mystery(I found out who it was, so it's not funny anymore)
and lastly....
-tanning stup. (I imagine I meant to write "tanning stuff" and got interrupted by actual work.) Besides the fact that I'm a retard for writing "stup," I can expand on that one.

This is me, in the summer (also in fall, winter and spring):

Now, I don't mean to imply that at any time of the year I can be found lounging poolside at a Wisconsin water park reading a fashion rag while my boyfriend goes down the lazy river for the thirtieth time. Although I wish that was a fact, I'm specifically referencing the ghostly shade of my skin in the picture, which was taken in July.

Some people, mainly my mother, would describe me as having "porcelain" skin. I prefer to label myself as having "pale" skin. Some people, again...mainly those with the first name Mary Lou, say I'm lucky because "my skin looks great all year round!" Such is not the truth. Although I think my pale yet porcelain skin doesn't look bad in the winter months, and I can wear almost any shade or color...the summer is when I get the blues about being so...well...white. For example:

This is what happens when I get a "tan":

See that slight change in color on me? That's called a sunburn, and it's not terribly red because I probably had sunblock on in order to keep my sensative skin from frying. At least I'll never get cancer right? Not the point. Point is, I'm constantly trying to find a way to add some color to my skin in the summer. I've tried lots of self tanners, lotions with tanner in them, etc. They don't really ever seem to do anything. But recently I tried the L'oreal brand. I tried it on my legs first, just to avoid embarrassment and it's a good thing I did.

The directions on the package tell me to apply the tanner every day for a week, then after that, once a week. I did it for two days. On the second day, while at work, I pulled up my pant leg and was horrified to see that under the fluorescent lights of my cubicle, my leg seemed to resemble something like Lindsay Lohan at her orangest. Not really what I was going for. Needless to say, I stopped applying it daily. I think if I do it once a week or so, I might be OK.

Long story short, I'd take my pale, non-tanning skin any day over looking like La Lohan or anyone else who seems like they've been eating too many carrots. Looking like you have jaundice is just about as attractive as being able to see the blood pumping through the veins in your translucent legs. So, I'll try this for a while, I'm sure in the end it will be more trouble than it's actually worth and by July I'll be blinding people with my whiteness again.

Side note: I was looking for orange pictures of Lindsay and I found this one. Even though in the picture below she is not too orange, she does bare a strong resemblance to all the white girls i went to middle school with that so desperately wanted to be Hispanic and/or date someone in a gang. For the life of me, I cannot understand why someone with millions of dollars insists on dressing like a preteen hoodrat.

What, you think I'm loco?
Yes. Yes, I do.

This post brought to you by me, thinking I have anything of interest to say.


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