Monday, November 10, 2008

Yay Economy!

Today Sean got laid off from his job. 3 other people in his department were let go too. All due to budget cuts. Please keep your eyes and ears open regarding jobs. I guess I am grateful to work where I do during this time. My job seems to be pretty secure and I hope to keep it that way.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

No Whammies...

Sean and I have had this hanging in our office for quite some time now. Ted (Sean's Mom's boyfriend) gave it to us. He got it when he was campaigning for Obama in Texas. Never did I think I would have a framed picture of a presidential candidate in my house, non-ironically at least, but it's the best thing we have hanging on our walls (besides Sean's set of stylish fake mustaches).

I voted already, last Saturday. I waited longer than I probably would have if I just went on Tuesday, but I didn't want to risk anything. I wanted to make sure I got my vote in. The suspense is seriously killing me though. I just want to know what my future holds.

We got tickets to the rally in Grant Park and we'll be going down after work. We're taking the blue line so that we don't risk getting stranded in the city if the Metra sells out. I'm taking my brother as my guest and Sean is taking Ted as his. I think it's going to be a really awesome experience and something I'll remember for a long time.

I'm really nervous.