With all that being said, I still kind of think about things that way. When I see something online that I like or in a magazine-be it fashion or shelter related-I think, "that would be in my top 5 favorites list." Even when I eat something delicious or hear something funny...I say to myself, "you need to tell the world (read: the 5 people who read this thing) that this is your new favorite meal,snack, treat, phrase, quote, etc
So with all that being said, I think I am going to try to do a "favorites" list every now and then...I say "every now and then" because I know I'll never have the discipline to do it on a daily or even weekly basis. But I may surprise myself, who knows. I did one quite a while ago, but I never kept up on it.
So that's my plan. I hope you enjoy my random obsessions.
I'll do a quick little fav's list here. My of my favorite things at this moment in no particular order.
1. Spoon: Ga Ga Ga Ga Ga
2. Dark red and gray handbags:
I really like these colors for Fall and Winter.
Top two: Marc by Marc Jacobs
3. Marc by Marc Jacobs, as a whole.
I need this jacket. I almost humped it in the store the other day. Someone, please?
4. Blueprint magazine and it's online blog, Bluelines.
i love this magazine and look:
even the blog logo is adorbs.
5. iGoogle.
This is my life saver at work. I have all my rss feeds on here and can check to see if I have any new stories to read, new mail messages and I can even play my favorite game: Bejeweled! all in one place. I love it. And you can customize the theme for the top banner, my favorite is the "tea house."
6. Martha Stewart
I love Martha Stewart. I know that she might not be the nicest person in real life, but damn does that woman know how to make bank and she has some pretty good products out there too. Plus every time she goes on Conan, she's hilarious and usually drinking and I think they are like BFF's in real life. I'm currently in love with her new dishes at Macy's:
Martha Stewart for Macy's.
So there ya go. I still love snackpacks and flavorblasted goldfish are still a snack staple in my house. Word association doesn't happen as often as it used to and I think my tastes have changed quite a bit since college, but my love of lists is still just as strong as it was back then.
Word association would be in my top 5 all-time past times.
Bi-Mennan. I wish I would have saved all those. Blah.
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