Monday, June 23, 2008

Workin' on my fitness...

Well, not exactly. But I NEED to be! I haven't bought a new bathing suit (let alone a bikini) in almost 7 years. I just keep telling myself that since I only wear it about once a year, it's okay that it doesn't really fit me anymore. Well, I broke down and purchased a new one in a larger size. It was on sale and it looks to cover the booty pretty moderately.

(Urban Outfitters, top and bottom $19.99 each)

So, much to my dismay, I already know I am not going to look like this little gazelle in the suit. I hope it's not terrible, I'll find out in 5-7 business days! By that time I'll also probably have finished off the pie plate of chilli dip that I have leftover from Saturday night poker. You would think that a group of men would have been able to polish it off themselves, instead I am left to do the deed. Maybe they just bought a new bathing suit. I don't know.

Anywho, for the past year, I have been in and out of exercise. Never being able to stick to anything. I need to find something that I really enjoy and can do on my own. No more depending on someone to motivate me. I've got the two tiny pieces of cloth above to do that!

In other shopping news...Friday will mark day 1 of wedding dress shopping. I'm totally pumped. My Mom and I are going to the city to White Chicago, Weddings 826, and the Bridal Salon at Macys.

Nevermind the fact that we still don't have a ceremy site or an officiant. Details people! DETAILS!!!

Now, if you'll excuse me...I'm going to spend some quality time with my turkey chilli dip while I still can.

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