Thursday, September 13, 2007

Cat and Pony Show

I've never been a big fan of horses. When I was little, my family went to Santa's Village. There was one of those real pony ride carousel things there and I really wanted to go on it. So we stood in line. I got to the front and I changed my mind. Then as we were walking away, I changed my mind again. I stood in line again...and I bet you can guess what happened when I got to the front. Eventually, minutes before the park closed, I finally made it on the pony. I don't even remember that happening, the only reason I know it happened is because my Mom reminds me of it. That and we have pictures. That is the one time I've ever been on any sort of horse. I think I was 5. 21 years later, I finally came nose to nose with a real horse(s), not a pony, for the first time ever. No, I didn't get on. But my brother did! He's been taking riding lessons for a while and I went to watch last weekend. He wants to play polo...that or be in the Olympics. Simple dreams.

I took some photos.

LITERALLY, sitting on his high horse.

I walked around the barn and took some pictures of the horses. They all look depressed.

Smarty, the horse my brother rides, in enjoying some hay.

Dirk, my mom's boss' horse. Enormous and very playful. He kept trying to get closer to my camera.


Diesel, the biggest horse in the barn.

A horse that looked ashamed of his/her bad weave.

It was nice out, so he went outside to ride. The horse seemed a lot happier once he got outside.

Barn Meowser. Covered in hay and likes to take poops in front of everyone while they are having their lessons. He was really friendly for a barn cat and I think he liked having his photo taken.

Maybe some day I'll get back in the saddle. No, probably not. Well, nevermind.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Dirk and Diesel are sooooo cute!