Tuesday, July 22, 2008

'ems fightin' words...

John McCain's peeps are steamin' mad over the media's love affair with Barack and what else is there to do about it besides make a You Tube video about it. It's actually pretty amusing. I think the best part is Tucker Carlson describing his love as "9th grade...sealed with a kiss love."

McCain party...jealous much?

Of course there are some super comments on the You Tube page:

"Liberal media is a joke! Why not give Obama a rim job and get it over with than ask him some questions about his constant flip flopping on the issues."

"john mccain = the downfall of america"

and immediately following...

"Barack Hussein Obama = The Rise of Islam"

"Blame it on love and the media. Totally Mclame. "

"Restore the constitution. Down with old man McCain! "

"yeah, i was pissed how biased the media was against Hitler back in 41. It was ridiculous. Thank god for FOX. "

"McCain hates love. "

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