Friday, April 11, 2008

Jesus Land

While I was sitting in my room in SLC, I was watching this game show called "Amnesia," where people have to answer questions about their past. Friends and family come on and tell little anecdotes about the contestant while they sway to music being pumped into one of those glass boxes so that they can't hear the story being told. Then, they are asked trivia questions about details from that story. I've come to the conclusion that I would be very good at this game. My brain is filled with people's names, stupid details, and things that no one else ever remembers happening. Who wants to be on this show with me? This also made me hope that I never get to the point where I don't remember these things. I like having useless knowledge of my past.

Saturday, I actually got out of the hotel and convention center and although I didn't see any of the "historical" crap in SLC, I did make it to the cupcake place.

It was everything I hoped it would be. Cute, adorbz, and tasty. The people were nice and the cupcakes were so delicious that I bought a box of six to bring home with me. They took a big beating when they had to go through security, but even if they weren't as pretty when they got home, they still tasted great!

Here are two photos from the Mini's Web site of two of the varieties I sampled:

The PB Fix: Chocolate and Peanut Butter. mmmm.

The Snowball: Vanilla with meringue and coconut.

I also tried the mocha latte, the black and white cupcake, the Breakfast at Tiffany's (it had blue frosting and silver sprinkles!), the lemon pie (I have a new found love of lemon curd), and the chocoholic. All get two thumbs up.

Some photos from my walking excursion in Salt Lake:

The mountains really are pretty awesome. I wondered if people who live their get used to having that as their background.

Nightlife in Utah. Looks like "Bliss" didn't really work out too well, building is for sale.

This was interesting. These were up and down the sidewalk on the street we walked up. And next to everyone, there was something written in blue marker...most of the others were references to Bible verses. WWJD? Hire a better PR firm?

Inside of Mini's cupcake bakery. My very own religion.

The display case with all the cupcakes.

On the way back to the hotel we had lunch at a cute coffee shop and then went to the airport. I finally got back to Chicago at 10:20, home by midnight. It's nice to be back.

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